tobacco |
let's get worn away |
pixies |
bel esprit |
haley bonar |
your mom is right |
the zig zags |
can't afford the basics |
muddy waters |
champagne and reefer |
the wytches |
bone weary |
in letter form |
111 |
heaters |
garden eater |
the jesus & mary chain |
just like honey |
guitar wolf |
shinkansen high tension |
50 foot wave |
st. christopher |
the damned |
white rabbit |
c*nts |
why don't we do it |
the pooches |
crab hammer |
graham parker |
heat treatment |
the pack a.d. |
fair enough |
raveonettes |
love in a trashcan |
cymbals eat guitars |
beam |
crocodiles |
maximum penetration |
an hour and a half of the show was done by an intern |
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