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First things first. "Just what is all this Tension we keep hearing about?" people have been stopping us on the street and asking. Sometimes we know them; sometimes not. Often they are polite. Sometimes, depending on the weather and how much caffeine we’ve had that day, our answers are long-winded (well-thought-out, we prefer to think them) and detailed, complete with appropriate diagrams and body language; sometimes they are terse. Often we are polite.
Tension is an on-line magazine (we like the word "magazine" even if it is old-fashioned and low-tech), dedicated to expressing opinions, often contradictory and always over-heated, on music, politics, art, business, film, religion, gender ... Tension is a crazy-quilt of fiction, reviews, poetry, comics, editorials, essays ...
Tension is for readers interested in the abuses of language, the uses of power, the syntax of cinema, the cytology of sex, the drawing of a straight line, the mapping of the human heart ...
Turn to the Table of Contents and travel through